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I have a regular day job and something resembling a social life, so updates may be a bit scarce. I hope you enjoy the somewhat calibrated chaos anyway!

brown bear sitting politely

welcome to my observations about the foulest of the little bears!

woah boy this is certainly a work in progress!

blog post #001, february 27, 2024

Hi, I'm Bee. I'm a writer, podcaster, media critic, and genrally online person. I'm just now starting to put the effort in to spruce up this place, if only so that I have a place to host my online life when every social media site goes tits up, as is seeming to happen with more and more frequency. You may know me from other websites, like tumblr, twitter, or ao3! You'll notice this website is pretty bad, that's okay! Not everything in life has to be perfect, and I'm having fun learning along the way.

I'm not entirely sure what this website is going to turn out to be, but I want to have a cozy space to call my own so it might be a bit of an eccletic mix of things. I'll post original writing for sure, as well as links to any of my more... unauthorized uncopyrightable writing. I may do reviews of things I'm watching, reading, or listening to. Maybe I'll just throw up links to other things I like! I'm not trying to be too precious with this and just going where the instinct to create takes me.